Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Chimayo Sanctuary

Chimayo Sanctuary
Originally uploaded by 2westwardhos

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there...reviewing your journal - there may be an opening with Conde Nast or the Travel Channel - Brooke Burke has nothin' on you two!.
Did you by chance see the staircase at Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe? Quite a tale there. (As usual, I have great hindsight ideas for you).
By the way, Oprah in DC attending some event where people are swearing at each other, so you can probably crash at her Santa Barbara shack and she won't even know (shhh!).I attached the google earth address http://www.gearthhacks.com/dlfile26229/Oprah-Winfrey-Santa-Barbara-Estate.htm if you're in the neighborhood.
Our -11 today doesn't really rival your -26 in OK, so not much to discuss there. Sounds like the "winter gear" can be stowed for a few days for you two. Enjoy the sun and send some our way. All the best!