Monday, January 19, 2009

After all the fun in San Diego, we needed to get back on the learning trail so Sunday we were off to Yorba Linda to visit the Nixon Library.  We went with an open mind hoping to find out what Tricky Dick was all about and what great things he did for this country. After all, he was elected into office twice before we were even allowed to vote. The location was nice. And, I could end the story here. But, to be fair, it is likely 1 out of the 3 people reading this blog (plus one of the Westward HOs) is a republican so we welcome your insight on his legacy. The library was literally filled with propaganda and every little memento they found under Dick's bed.  It was like a well-designed scrapbooking class about their daughters, first-dog Checkers and hundreds of trips abroad.  A few things we picked up was the Vietnam War ended under his command (but only after he escalated it), he created the EPA and a man walked on the moon. Interestingly, there wasn't one syllable of information on Watergate. It doesn't take a mathematician to figure out Nixon only served 5 of his eight years but the story is written as if he fulfilled his duty, moved away and died of a stroke.  It's like somebody stole the entire exhibit of his resignation.  So, my suggestion would be to put a sign at the exit "For the rest of the story, please Google "I AM NOT A CROOK". Thank you for visiting the Nixon Library".

To Santa Monica we go. What a drive along the Pacific Coast Highway...the first highway in America! Beach town after beach town we drove cranking our necks trying to get a glimpse of the homes that make up these places. These are not your typical cookie-cutter suburbs...every house was unique from ranch-style bungalows to multi-family dwellings. Also unique were the people. We saw families, professionals, surfers and probably families of professional surfers. It would be great to be able to afford one of these homes but neither of us fits the profile. Right now, we're neither professionals nor surfers.  Lisa will have to do a bit of back rehab before she tries to tackle the board. For me,  I'm more likely to go the professional route before I don a wet-suit...they're so unflattering. So for now, we'll continue California dreaming in the Hyundai making up stories about the people who live here.



Anonymous said...

Richard Nixon's middle name is Milhouse!

Anonymous said...

have you seen kim novak yet?