Thursday, January 8, 2009 Independence

Great day...early morning mass in St. James in Bronzeville a blessing from the congregation (which we needed) and off we went to begin our excellent adventure.  Listened to NPR on the way to Springfield and learned all about lazy eyes. We toured the Lincoln Presidential Library and found out Abe had a lazy eye from getting kicked in the head by a horse...who knew! Put the Lincoln Library on your list of things to do...fascinating history on the Civil War which doesn't seem too different from the wars we're fighting today. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

So happy to have a GPS in the car. Her name is Trixie and she has a British accent so she speaks a little more gently when we make a wrong turn...we're going to enjoy having a 3rd person in the car for this long trip. 

We made it safely to Independence, MO to the Truman Best Western. I think we're the only  4 wheeler in the place but the door has a double lock so we should be fine. Watching the Oklahoma-Florida game now since we're headed to Sooner-land tomorrow and want to be able to talk football to the locals when we arrive. 

1 comment:

J said...

Sounds like a great first day on the road! Thanks for the information on Lincoln's lazy eye. That could come in handy in a trivia game.